Thursday, April 3, 2014

Bankruptcy Education

The decision to file for bankruptcy is not easy to take, but it can be the only solution left in order to escape an unsustainable level of debt. And we all know that many former bankrupt persons were able to have a fresh start and achieve prosperity and financial success.

*Photo Credit To The Owner

In order to be discharged from bankruptcy in the USA, there are two compulsory courses that one must take. One is the credit counseling course that should be taken before they speaking with an attorney and file for bankruptcy, the other is the Debtor Education course. The courses have the role to help you gain financial knowledge you need to avoid the same financial situation that have lead you to bankruptcy and start toward a new life and a wiser management of your personal finances.

There are many firms that organize training for bankruptcy courses, in a traditional classroom environment, over the phone or online. These classes have the role to help you earn your course certificated and meet the bankruptcy requirements in a convenient and quick way. The online training classes provide both the pre-filling course and the pre-discharge course and usually they also give access to assistance from a certified bankruptcy counselor. 

The certificate for the bankruptcy pre-filling course can be taken in an easy online session that consists in providing information about your income and expenses and receiving financial advice from a credit counselor via a live chat session, and provide you resources for your particular situation. The certificate for Bankruptcy Pre-Filing Counseling is available right upon completion of your session.

The debtor education for bankruptcy pre-discharge usually takes two hours of online classes and helps you meet the requirements requested in order to earn the course certificate. The training involves studying the material and taking short quizzes. A certified counselor can assist you via live chat and answer to any of your questions. The training session is designed to provide the best educational experience, it is easy to follow and includes multimedia material to better understand the subjects. The pre-discharge education covers a diverse budgeting and financial and budgeting topics, in order to ensure you manage the necessary tools to build a strong financial foundation. 

During the training program, you will learn tools and tips for wise use of credit and sound money management. You will also learn how to calculate your net worth, set achievable financial goals, build a savings plan, and create a livable budget. In addition, you will also learn how to protect yourself from identity theft, obtain credit reports, dispute credit report errors, and establish or re-establish credit. The goal of the pre-discharge education program is to help those recovering from bankruptcy to acquire the money management skills necessary to their overall well-being and reestablish their credit. The program provides financial tools to assist those discharged from bankruptcy reaching their financial goals and avoiding rebuilding debt. Among the topics covered are: avoiding identity theft, budgeting, setting financial goals, managing a checking account, adjusting your expenses and income, and rebuilding credit.

The certificate for Pre-Filing Credit Counseling expires six months after the date issued. The certificate for Pre-Discharge Debtor Education usually needs to be presented in courts within 45 days of the original filing date.

written by: TheGreatWriter

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